Pudong Hongqiao Important Notices

Tax Refund

  • Shanghai’s Pudong and Hongqiao international airports were designated as the city’s first ports of departure to enjoy the departure tax refund scheme as of July 1, 2015.

    According to the scheme, overseas visitors can enjoy value-added tax (VAT) rebates on consumer goods purchased at designated department stores upon departure.

    The Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Company’s Shanghai branch has settled in Pudong and Hongqiao international airports as the designated agency for tax refunds.

    Location: between Island A and B of Check-in Area, Deaprtures Hall

  • Shanghai’s Pudong and Hongqiao international airports were designated as the city’s first ports of departure to enjoy the departure tax refund scheme as of July 1, 2015.

    According to the scheme, overseas visitors can enjoy value-added tax (VAT) rebates on consumer goods purchased at designated department stores upon departure.

    The Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Company’s Shanghai branch has settled in Pudong and Hongqiao international airports as the designated agency for tax refunds.